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Fandoms and Subcultures

  • Writer's picturerchallstudios


How does Kim Kardashian influence the desirability of consumer products on social media?

Abstract Over the years, social networking has grown in popularity, with websites such as Twitter and Instagram gaining more unique users on a daily basis. Businesses are using online influencers such as Kim Kardashian to promote their brands. For many years, Kim Kardashian has been marketing her life and selling her daily routine by showing her lifestyle as entertainment. This has presented Kim Kardashian with the opportunity to work with businesses who wish to increase the desirability of products among consumers with whom she has a large influence. This report will question what kind of influence Kim Kardashian has, and if she does have an influence on consumers, then is it to the level that the public expects her to have. This is shown in research carried out through virtual ethnography and a nine-question survey.

If you want my full dissertation please email me

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