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Fandoms and Subcultures

  • Writer's picturerchallstudios

Week 8

I am a massive musicals fan which sometimes I don’t admit that I like musicals. When Hamilton came out at first I thought “A musical about the life of American Founding Father how boring” but when it started to trend more I listened to the soundtrack and wow I  will proudly shout from the rooftops that I love this musical.

In today’s age Digital media has changed the way fans participate in fandom activities, for example, one direction fans make hashtags but for me the musical hamilton I didn’t know really know how big the fandom was so when I saw a facebook page of over 30,000 people I thought why not join in. This page is all about memes and reactions to fan art or fanfic and it is a worldwide group, the group I am in is a closed group so people outside the fandom wont really know whats going on in the group but I like that I like the feel of it being a secret but sometimes fans from different fandoms do share different content with everyone sometimes you can see content for your own fandom or see fans discussing a topic related to something you have never seen. 

It is also noted that the fans have used a set of rules to keep the atmosphere friendly. Someone is also the boss of the group so they will see what is coming through and if some reason a question is not going by the rules they will delete it personally I had the experience of the boss of the group nearly deleting my post as I posted a link to the musical that is only on stage right now but someone recorded it onto the website and after a second off uploading was told to take it down as they didn’t allow footage like that up which I think was fair of them.

“fandom is made of people with all their imperfections as well as their strengths, and for every flame war or rivalry there are corresponding acts of friendship and generosity, not to mention opportunities for collective action. ” F. Coppa (2014) 

Sharing on social media is alot different these days I find myself sharing these memes on facebook even when the person I am sharing it to is next to me. If fans see something new on the topic off hamilton they will share it immediately. 

  1. Coppa, F. 2014, “Fuck yeah, Fandom is Beautiful”, The Journal of Fandom Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 73-82.

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